HR for Her

#15| Take the "Women" Out of Sports

December 05, 2020 Sable Badaki Season 1 Episode 15

We have seen the challenges women are facing in sports being underpaid, lack of sponsorships, and criticism on the pace of sports.  In this conversation with Kaig, he brings a refreshing and unique perspective to the world of sports.

What if we didn't have gender sports? What if we created teams by talent? These are some of the unique thoughts that were shared in this conversation, which can be applied across industries

Join the conversation.

My takeaways for client offerings:

1. Audit your communicationsfor gender neutrality

2. Conduct job analysis to establish gender neutral expectations

3. Review performance standards for gender bias

Host: Please accept our apologies for the mispronunciation of Kaig's name in the introduction


Kaig Lightner is a Gender Diversity Consultant with over a decade of experience in creating more gender inclusive spaces. Through the telling of his own personal lived experiences as a queer, transgender man mixed with relevant, tangible information, Kaig creates an environment of expansive growth mindset to learn about a complex and often challenging subject. As the founder of the consulting business Quantum Gender and the nonprofit soccer club Portland Community Football Club, Kaig is well versed in the challenges that entrepreneurs face. Kaig graduated from Portland State University in 2012 with a Masters in Social Work, where is also an adjunct professor. When Kaig isn't running two businesses and teaching you can find him on the soccer field coaching or playing, but also spending time with his partner and their pitbull Charlie.

You can find Kaig at:




Website: the 

#womeninsports #gendersportsof