HR for Her

#12| Speak Like a Gender Diversity Pro

October 15, 2020 Sable Badaki Season 1 Episode 12

The words we use matter, the importance of having and using the right diversity and inclusion terms in the workplace cannot be overemphasized; over the years has the diversity and inclusion field. It has evolved with new language and terminologies.

 In this episode, Sable is joined with Brenna Kutch to take us through gender and non-gender terms, talk about two peas in a pod. So relax, get your pen and paper and enjoy


Sables Takeaway
1 .  Create a Gender Diversity Dictionary
2.   Use the terms in the workplace, make it your language
3.   Bring  in allies and train them to use the terms

 Download HRforHer Gender Diversity Dictionary -

Brenna Kutch Bio

Brenna Kutch   (them /them or her /her) is a self-described bureaucratic activist - creating structural change through policy and organizational inclusion. They spend their time working towards equality, joining social justice and human rights causes, challenging binaries, and over-committing. Their professional background is in HR and DEI, and they hold a Master of Public Administration in Human Resource Management from Portland State University.