HR for Her

#3 | When Your Office Comes Home.. Managing a Virtual Team

June 25, 2020 Sable Badaki Episode 3

There is so much data and research on the loneliness epidemic in the world and at work. Social connection is the most important thing to prioritize in your organization, especially in a virtual or remote work environment.

If we put social connection low on the priority list, you are going to very quickly see people that feel not valued. They don't feel like their contributions matter. And eventually the survey data shows us they will leave and they're going to be suffering from loneliness.

Our guest Tara Powers is going to be talking to us from her book ‘Virtual Teams for Dummies’ in this episode. She identified six agreements that every manager should have.

These agreements give managers guidelines they can use to support the women in their organization, who could either be caregivers or these women who are also feeling isolated. Now, all of a sudden they're working from home and maybe that’s not what they signed up for in the beginning. So these six agreements are really conversations that teams need to have, even if they are only partially working virtually.


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About Tara

As a 20-year talent development professional, Tara Powers is an international best-selling author, award winning leadership and Wiley DISC expert, sought after speaker and crusader against boring, ineffective employee engagement initiatives and leadership training.  She’s worked with over 300 companies and more than 30,000 leaders building programs and launching initiatives that deliver high touch and high impact for her clients.

For 4 years, Tara’s Leadership Programs have earned the prestigious recognition as a Top 10 Leadership 500 Award winner by alongside big names such as Korn Ferry, Level (3), Hilton, Honda, MIT and DDI. Tara is also a judge for the coveted Brandon Hall Excellence Awards which recognizes the best organizations globally that have successfully deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems, and tools that have achieved measurable results.

In July 2018, Tara published Virtual Team for Dummies with Wiley and was recognized in Colorado Business Magazine as a Woman to Watch. In January 2019, Tara was awarded an HR Contributor Icon Award for her thought leadership on virtual teams chosen by a jury that included senior executives from PepsiCo, GE, UPS, TIAA, TripAdvisor, HP, New York Life and more.

Tara speaks nationally on vital topics such as the importance of human connection and emotional intelligence in leadership, simple secrets to creating healthy organizations and how to build cohesive and committed teams.
