HR for Her

#2 | Sentenced to Silence

June 25, 2020 Sable Badaki Episode 2

Cornelia has worked with non-white identifying women at the director level and above to see how, when they rise to that level, they really are sentenced to silence. Their voices go oftentimes unheard. They feel devalued, they're frustrated and overwhelmed in ways that we find to be different than when they were managers in the organization.

Cornelia found that this is in a large part, because they had a peer group to support them when they were managers. When these women get to the director level, in many organizations, that peer group goes away. And so they're silenced because they don't have a place to go to use their voice, and they don't feel like their voice is being heard at the table.

In this episode of HR for Her, Cornelia will share the findings that she had in her Sentenced to Silence report on how to make sure this doesn’t happen in your organization. 

We talk about how to make sure to indicate or communicate that women of color are wanted in the organization, how to put clear policies in place around people’s behavior, and the power of accountability in an organization.


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