HR for Her

#1 | Why HR for Her

June 25, 2020 Sable Badaki Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of HR for Her. This podcast is for you if you are a human resource professional leader, practitioner, influencer consultant, diversity leader, consultant... If you are in a position where you are concerned about what is happening for women in the workplace, then you have landed in the right place.

In this episode, I will introduce myself, Sable Badaki, and I will explain why I started this podcast and what to expect. Please subscribe to my podcast and don’t miss future episodes. 

HR for Her Podcast is dedicated to helping HR professionals create the strategy, the policies and the procedure to make sure that women are positioned to function in the roles that they need to, so their organizations can actually outperform the rest.

This is not about creating a checklist, this is about creating an action list. An action list that we are going to see to make a difference in gender diversity in our organizations, and how we are going to do that together. So stay tuned on HR for her, subscribe, tell your friends about it, tell your colleagues about it, so we can make sure gender diversity stays on top.

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